Mending the Soul
Angie Banks and Mary Garrelts are starting a ministry that partners with Mending the Soul, to create a network of resources for people who have experienced any type of abuse. Our prayer and goal is to provide a safe and nurturing environment for people to seek help and healing from their abuse. As certified facilitators, Angie and Mary will be using Mending the Soul curriculum to help abused survivors heal their hearts and minds with this Bible based study. For more information feel free to email Angie at
To register for the Mending the Soul class please visit and click on the ministries tab. There you will find an application that will need to be filled out and emailed to Angie at or you can return it to the church. All applications need to be returned by September 1st so Angie and Mary can meet with you individually before the class starts so we can best meet your needs. **All information on the application will remain confidential.**